Join us on Monday 5th February for our 2018 conference, adopting the World Cancer Day theme of ‘We Can, I Can.’
We will present you with some of the latest evidence on risk factors associated with cancer and provide you with information on what is happening in Scotland to tackle the lifestyle factors which impact on cancer e.g. obesity, alcohol consumption, physical inactivity and sedentary lifestyles. We hope you will come away with inspiration for what we can do as clinicians, academics, policy makers and individuals.
The conference is held in the heart of Edinburgh at the Merchants Hall, Hanover Street, a light and spacious venue, within easy walking distance of transport links, good quality accommodation and hospitality.
Please Note: This is a draft programme. All scheduled times and speakers may be subject to change.
9:15 Registration (Tea and coffee will be provided)
Morning Session (Chair: Prof Aileen Keel CBE)
9:30 Introduction
Prof Bob Steele
9:40 Welcome to the SCPN
Prof Annie S Anderson
9:55 Scottish Cancer Taskforce
Prof Aileen Keel CBE
10:00 World Cancer Research Fund
Prof Martin Wiseman
10:30 To be confirmed
To be confirmed
10:50 Ministerial address
Aileen Campbell MSP, Minister for Public Health and Sport
Movement and Coffee Break
11:30 Prostate cancer screening
Prof Bob Steele
11:50 Sun care and melanoma
Dr Gill Hubbard
12:10 Getting more physically active
Prof Nanette Mutrie MBE
Afternoon Session (Chair: Miss Susan Moug)
13:30 To be confirmed
To be confirmed
13:45 AHPs - What we do
Debbie Provan
14:00 Bowel Cancer UK - What worksite work is going on?
Claire Donaghy, Ross Lamb
14:10 Healthy retailing - NHS
To be confirmed
14:20 NHS staff health promotion competition
To be confirmed
14:40 Patient representative - walking and weight loss
To be confirmed
14:50 Patient representative - smoking cessation
To be confirmed
15:00 To be confirmed
To be confirmed
15:25 Beyond the headlines - fake news
Prof Linda Bauld, Prof Martin Wiseman, Elspeth Banks, Bryan Christie
16:00 Closing remarks
Prof Bob Steele
“World Cancer Day takes place every year on 4 February and unites the world under a single theme to highlight the on-going fight against cancer. World Cancer Day aims to reduce the number of preventable deaths each year by raising cancer awareness amongst the general public and pressing governments to take further actions against the disease.”
– Official World Cancer Day Guide by UICC.
Since 2014, the SCPN has deliberately scheduled their annual conference to fall on World Cancer Day. We do this, not only to show our support for the initiative, but also on the basis that our conference shares the same aims: to raise cancer awareness, and press governments to take further action against the disease. We believe that cancer prevention and screening is a fundamental part of this action, and organise our conference to share the latest in prevention and lifestyle research, discuss public health issues and present this to health professionals, researchers, charities and government.
This year’s theme is ‘We Can, I Can’, designed to highlight the fact that we (organisations, governments, health professionals) can take action against cancer, but also, as individuals (I), we can take steps to stack the odds against developing cancer.
Find out more at www.worldcancerday.org.
Book Tickets
Join us on Monday 5th February for our 2018 conference, adopting the World Cancer Day theme of ‘We Can, I Can.’ We will present you with some of the latest evidence on risk factors associated with cancer and provide you with information on what is happening in Scotland to tackle the lifestyle factors which impact […]
The Merchants' Hall enquiries@scottishcancerfoundation.org.uk