Emerita Professor Annie S Anderson

Annie S. Anderson is Emerita Professor of Public Health Nutrition and Co-director of the Centre for Research into Cancer Prevention and Screening at Ninewells Medical School, University of Dundee. She trained in nutrition and after two years clinical dietetic practice in Cambridge moved to an academic career. Following a PhD at the University of Aberdeen and research posts at the University of Glasgow and the MRC Medical Sociology Unit she was appointed to a Professorial post in the University of Dundee in 1996.

Her research focusses on theory based, behaviourally focused, dietary and obesity (population and individual) interventions aimed at chronic disease risk reduction with a special interest in cancer prevention.

She has undertaken a number of international and national roles including advisor to WHO IARC on the development of European Code Against Cancer, chair of the grant panel for The World Cancer Research Fund International, member of UK Government Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) and workstream lead for health and sustainability in Scotland’s national food and drink policy (Scottish Government). She was Chair of the National Prevention Research Initiative (NPRI) (Medical Research Council) scientific committee from 2012 to 2016 and President of the UK Society for Behavioural Medicine from 2019 to 2021. She co-directs the Scottish Cancer Prevention Network – an advocacy group working for improved translation of evidence on cancer prevention into practice and policy.