The Scottish Cancer Prevention Network is focused on moving evidence on cancer risk reduction into everyday life, practice and policy.
Whilst it is recognised that governments do much to support changing behaviours, we also recognise that there is much more to do, more agencies than can help change, and a need to increase capacity around cancer prevention.
Aims of the network
The aims of the network are:
Raising Awareness Of The Links
Raise awareness of the links between diet, physical activity, obesity and UV exposure and the development of cancer in relation to primary prevention and in cancer survivors.Supporting Existing Work
Support ongoing work around tobacco control, alcohol reduction and environmental exposures related to cancer in Scotland.Supporting Community Action
Create support for public health action from all sectors of the community so that prevention activities are embraced in every aspect of cancer control planning.Disseminating Research
Support research and dissemination activities related to lifestyle and cancer risk reduction.Advocacy For Increasing Action
Undertake advocacy work aimed at increasing action by the private, public and voluntary sectors to reduce cancer related behaviours whilst fully embracing issues around health inequalities.We recognise that education and awareness raising are the cornerstone to action, but to focus on these alone would be unlikely to bring about the magnitude of change required to reduce the morbidity and mortality of cancer in Scotland.